Wow! What a fun Christmas morning!
Still fun, no matter what age!!
Dad got a rubber duck to comemmorate his LUCKY DUCK winning him a new car!

Mom got the one thing she was asking for: a Roomba!
She cracked me up following it around the house yesterday morning. :)

This is Mom's quilt that I made her...

Melissa, opening the quilt that I made her. It's Brown Bear, Brown Bear fabric - for her classroom.

Mom & Dad surprised me with a Kindle! I love it and I didn't even ask for it!
I'm already 1/2 way through my first book - Nanny Returns.
(Nice hair - why do I always look like crap in Christmas morning pictures?!)

Mom really shocked us all with a Wii!
I had no idea - and I was even thinking of getting one with the money Grandma gives us for Christmas!
We've had fun Bowling and playing Tennis & Baseball! So fun!
We've had fun Bowling and playing Tennis & Baseball! So fun!

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