Thanksgiving was a great success...
Sweet Potatoes, Grandma Marcial's Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie, Football, Rummy, Black Friday Ads, and the movie "Elf" before bed. What more could you ask for?!

(Mom, Grandma, and Melissa)

(Melissa, Marcie, Craig, and Grandma with the Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie!)

(Melissa and Craig with Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie)

(Melissa and Kevin)

(Craig and Grandma)

(Karlye and Amber)

(Karlye, Grandma Freda, and Amber)

(Grandma, Mom, Marcie, Melissa, and Craig)
And then...on Friday at 7am (a bit later than most people start their Black Friday mornings), Mom, Karlye, Amber, and I left Connell to grace the Tri-Cities with our presence.
Here's our game plan: Target, Starbucks, Craft Warehouse, The Dollar Store, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, The UPS Store, Azteca (had to stop for lunch!), Old Navy, Victoria's Secret, Bath & Body Works, Aeropostale, Macy's, Carmike (had to take a break and watch "Four Christmases"), Macy's (yep - twice), Barnes & Noble, Starbucks (yep-twice!), Michaels, Granny's Buffet (gift card - not dinner), McDonalds (treats!), and Papa Murphy's (dinner).
We got home around 6:30pm. I am happy to report that my Christmas shopping is DONE! Everything is purchased or ordered and ready to be wrapped - which I might start tomorrow.
Today, I was also quite productive. I got up at 6am (not by choice, internal clock dosen't snoze on the weekends apparently) - I stuffed my Christmas Cards with the letters and put them in the mail, deep cleaned my bathroom (reorganized, purged, cleaned, put up a new shelf), cleaned my room, shopped eBay, made soup, and worked in the craft room - all before noon. :) Now, I'm sitting on the couch with Samson at my feet watching "P.S. I Love You" with Melissa and Zeke.
I'm slowing down - maybe a nap is in my future.
I hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend. I wish today was Friday and we had one more day of break before Sunday. Oh well - on Monday, there is just 15 days until Christmas break (school days, that is).