
October 20, 2011

.kamryn at 18 months.

Kamryn’s super talented grandma took these fun pictures of Kamryn to commemorate her 18-month birthday. Grandma Karen has a pretty cute model!

I think this one might be my favorite…


Kamryn loves this one with her doggies, Gunner and Abby. I was showing it to her on my phone and she started giving the dogs kisses. So cute.

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Kamryn is so much fun right now. She is talking a lot more every time I see her. Her personality just shines! Melissa has been trying to get her to “tap tap tap” her foot since Kamryn started to stand. Last night we were at Nick and Kate’s house and Melissa was trying to get her to “tap tap tap” and Kamryn did it! She was loving it!! Kamryn showed us how she can “jump” – which is pretty cute. I’ll have to record her doing it. She also started to twirl and twirl until she gets dizzy. Such a crack up!